Rooftop Pigeon Removal

This pigeon removal job was for a school that already had some pigeon proofing, but needed additional protection and some improvements to the existing hardware. The existing solution was a bunch of netting that was about 10 years old and sun worn. It wasn’t exactly keeping the pigeons away…

Rooftop Pigeon Netting


We replaced the netting and made sure it was tight and secure to prevent any pigeons from getting in and living under or around the AC units.

With exposed AC units on any roof, pigeons will almost always make a home.  Even though the school had previous netting, and we replaced it; they still had some exposed units to deal with.

Pigeon Infested AC Units


Of course we installed hardware to prevent the birds from living on this roof. This was a big job, and no job is to big for Got Pigeons!

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