How to Choose an Effective Pigeon Control Service Provider

If you have a pigeon infestation and would like to have a specialist come in and solve the problem for you, then you’ll first want to read this short guide so you know how to get the most value for your pigeon removal dollars.

Whenever you hire anybody to perform any service on your home or business, you want to make sure they have a reputation for honesty, high quality work, and reasonable pricing. This can take some research, but is well worth your time. The first place to check is to look for online reviews. Make sure you check all the most popular sources because most customers of these services will usually leave reviews on just one of the many review sources.

Look for reviews on Google Reviews (maps), Yelp, Facebook, and Angie’s List. You should be able to find enough reviews on at least one of these websites to determine how good the provider is.

If you can’t find very many reviews, that’s okay! Just look at the ones you do find to get a general idea of the quality of work and service you could expect from that particular pigeon removal specialist. 

If the reviews are mostly positive overall, then you have likely found a good pigeon control person and can move on to the next step. So what’s the next step? Give them a call and ask a couple of questions.

Before you agree to allow the pigeon control specialist to come out for an estimate, make sure you ask two simple questions to make sure the reviews actually reflect the integrity of quality of the provider. Here’s the questions you should ask, the answers you should expect, and red flags to watch out for…


What is your process from start to finish?

Best Answer:

What you’re looking for is a provider that starts with a thorough clean up of all nests, eggs, droppings, and any waste left behind by the pigeons. The clean-up should also include pressure washing to remove all evidence of the infestation. If they don’t do this, the pigeons will see that waste as an indication of a safe place to live. Make sure they indicate that the waste will be bagged up and hauled away from the property as well.

The next step should be about prevention. A good provider will tell you that they install things like wire mesh, wires for ridges, spikes, and scare tape. These are the most effective methods for preventing the pigeons from returning after the job has been completed.

Red Flags:

If there’s any mention of poison or killing of any pigeons, this is a huge red flag! Killing pigeons doesn’t work at all. If you get rid of a flock and call it good, then another one will come along to take it’s place. Often within hours of eliminating the existing birds. Besides, killing pigeons is just inhumane anyway.


What type of guarantee do you offer?

Best Answer:

Some companies will only offer a guarantee that lasts for a certain amount of time, like a couple years or so. You need a provider that stands behind their work and will come out and remedy the issue if pigeons return at any time in the future. Even with the best quality work, some pigeons are stubborn and may return. You need a specialist that knows this and is willing to come out and troubleshoot the issue and get the problem solved for good.

Red Flags:

Pigeon removal companies that don’t offer guarantees, or offer limited guarantees. The most common cause for this is the use of inferior hardware that doesn’t hold up over the long term. Another common cause for this is a provider that uses good materials, but installs them improperly causing the work to eventually fail. They will claim this is normal and is the reason for the time limit on their guarantee. One more possibility is that they use methods that just don’t work.

If you ask these simple questions, and they give you good answers, feel free to have them come out and give you a free estimate. They do offer free estimates, right? That’s another thing to look for. If the pigeon control specialist wants to charge you for the trip to simply look at your property, tell them “no thanks” and find another provider.

Another thing to watch for is response time. If you call and it takes more than 24 hours to get back with you, and they’re not on vacation; this is a huge red flag. If the pigeon removal company isn’t responsive to your communication, how do you think they will respond if you have a problem after the job is complete? Only hire a provider that gets back with you quickly, is courteous and professional.


Not all pigeon removal companies are the same. With just a little research and asking the right questions, you’ll quickly know if the person you’ve contacted is the best one for the job.

Do you have any questions or anything to add? Maybe you’d like to share your experience? Please leave a comment below.





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