When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going.




PIGEON MAGNETS, otherwise known as roof mounted AC units. Generally these are to be found on the older homes in Phoenix, however should one ever find oneself in a survival situation then these would undoubtedly be your best bet for fresh meat. Don’t take my word for it ask Bear Grylls. When he’s not busy drinking his own urine in some far-flung forgotten corner of the planet then pigeon is his dinner of choice!
Its a simple matter of isolating the unit so that the roof chickens adopt somebody else’s roof instead of yours. Although, in all probability you already have these unwanted guests. That being the case there’s no need to despair, simply give us a call and we’ll end the nightmare that is pigeon poop and feathers.
GOT PIGEONS? Give us a call. For all your pigeon prevention and removal needs.

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