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We Make Sure Pigeons Can’t Call Your Solar Panels Home
Here’s a successful job of getting rid of a pigeon infestation and ensuring they don’t come back with a high quality, sturdy solar panel fencing installation. We use heavy duty metal mesh that pigeons and birds just can’t penetrate. Pigeons have been known to grab onto barriers and use their own wing power to…
More Rooftop Pigeon Removals
Homes, Churches, Schools; Pigeons DO NOT discriminate! If it provides shelter and a good vantage point, you can bet a flock of birds will call it home. The best place for pigeons are typically rooftops and more to the point, rooftop air conditioners. They get under them and in them and make a huge mess!…
Value for Money?
Marie in Goodyear is now pigeon free. After having her pigeons initially resolved by some nameless individual who’s no longer around to pick up the pieces, nor to justify and repair his tardy workmanship we did the job correctly. Compare the photographs. There’s no comparison.
See How We Get Rid of Pigeons From Your Roof & Solar Panels
Just another day on the job. This customer had a pigeon infestation around their solar panels with a huge mess! The first step with getting rid of any pigeon problem is thorough cleanup. We climb up on the roof and get the solar panels and roof tiles as clean as possible. Using a pressure washer…
Rooftop Pigeon Removal
This pigeon removal job was for a school that already had some pigeon proofing, but needed additional protection and some improvements to the existing hardware. The existing solution was a bunch of netting that was about 10 years old and sun worn. It wasn’t exactly keeping the pigeons away…
A Beautiful Day in Arizona For…
…pigeon fencing. This customer had only had his solar panels a week before the pigeons found him. It’s not a matter of when, just a matter of time. Call Got Pigeons? ASAP. We’ll take care of the issue before it becomes a problem.